All of my ramblings on one site


Mi camiseta favorita es la camiseta de mi papa

I have to see Mount Rainier right infront of my eyes before I die. before it dies. Wholey shit. I saw it flying into Washington, and I saw it a lot walking the pier in Seattle. I still can't believe I did that trip. Young me is kind of amazing.

ANyway, that thing is going to explode one day and I have to see the Washington Starbucks Souvenier GIft Card w Mt Rainier and the wild Flowers before she's gone.

I stuck up for a coworker today and came home so angry that I would secretly punch the shit out of my own hand. I just realized that I kind of do that a lot. Not really to punish myself but to just be able to hit someone as hard as I want and not feel any guilt about it. I hate bullying so much it makes me want to scream. Although, I have to admit that I'm a HUGE bully so I have no right to talk. I think a lot of the hate of it is a projection to be honest. ANYWAY.

I have both of my White Elephant gifts picked out. A really amazing, bright yellow sonicare toothbrush to bring home to my family, and a mini room warmer to bring to Devin's family. I also picked out light saber chop sticks (that really light up!!!) for Devin just in case he needs a last minute gift idea that would be cool and really cheap for either family.

My pothos is doing so, so well. I really adore her so much. I love watching her little stalks grow and swell, and slowly unravel a teeny yellow leaf. The leaf slowly matures into a deeper and deeper green, the skin becomes thicker but less waxy. I've never connected with a plant so much in my life.

One day all of my things will be rotting and I will be totally forgotten. Just part of the cycle of recycling matter and material.

I'm so afraid of living in the neighborhood that I live in. I'm constantly watching my back and locking my doors as fast as possible. I hope I'm not going crazy. I think I'm becoming a little bit paranoid but I'm not sure?

Let's go to bed. Buenas NOches.


11:39 p.m. - 2021-12-07


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