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Three hours of sleep

I haven't waken up from a bad dream since I was a kid. Now I'm scared to go back to sleep so the dream won't continiue. I'm shaking, from a dream. I only got out of bed because I thought I heard my dad in the kitchen, but it must've been the dogs.

The dream is too hard to explain. I've had this dream before but it's never scared me this bad. Basically, it's a bunch of people I know and don't know, and we all live in a giant house made of windows, with a fragile evil women who is obsessed with her garden and has big blue circles around each eye. She has a handy man who looks like Bono who is actually trying to help us all escape. Oddly, more and more people die each day in that house. Another thing, the women is a shape changer (idk..) so you can't really trust anyone in the house, seeing as it may be the women trying to trick you.
What happend was, me and Ryann were walking down a hall way. We ended up in the tiny kitchen which also had a bathtub for some reason. The lady came up behind us and hit Ryann in the back of the head and pointed at the bathtub. It was filled with water that was a tint of red and pink, and there was some algae floating around in it, too. We kept on. To get on her good side, everyone in the house surprised her with a wonderful garden with a pond with singing flowers surrounding it.
She checked it and you could tell her heart melted. She absolutly loved it. She complimented us and said we'd have good times with it. She even promised us a meal. Then we heard someone scream "Feet! I see feet floating!". I look and recognize the shoes immdediatly. They're Ryanns, and a few feet from it here Hunter's (my little brother). We all run inside and lock the door infront of her. I'm screaming and crying and my uncle is telling me to shut up and calling me a bitch because he was on the phone. It ended there. Then me and Luke were at Borders, for some reason. And the guy who looked like Bono gave me a clipboard with a note and a red wig clipped to it. It looked like something he'd wear. He told me to take it to the women, who was sleeping on a blow up bed on the other side of the place. I read the note and it said me and Luke could spend the day with him. As I went to get an approval from the women, I realized that she was a shape changer and the guy who looked like Bono wasn't really him, it was the women trying to get me and Luke alone. I started crying and told Luke and he didn't believe me. I held his hand tighter and pulled him closer to me. As we approached the women it looked like she was dying. There were some kids playing around her but she didn't seem to notice. I kicked her frail legs and kept calling her a bitch. Luke just laughed and she looked at me deep and then I woke up.

My eyes feel like the sun. Heavy and dripping with acid. I think I'll go back to bed, my cramps are acting up, and hopefully I've been up long enough for the dream to not come back. Before then I'll grab a honey bun. Mmmmmmmm honey bun.

6:37 a.m. - 2009-04-19


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