All of my ramblings on one site



Since school started, I've had this fire inside my brain.

Everything is annoying

I always want to yell and cry

Everything seems so much harder than it really is

And I react awfully under pressure

But I have been keeping up with work

So everything's good on that end

And me and Devin are still doing great. I'm so glad for that.

I bought my first pee stick last night.

The cashier I bought it from told me that everything was going to be okay. She told me her mom had her at 15, and now she's a big success with a paid off house and a great job.

She also let me know that I could come to her with any questions if I had to, since she's been studying in the medical field for two years.

And then she closed it off with a "hope everything works out".

So me and Devin drove across the street to the gas station, and I came close to what would be the end of my life, or the end of my worries.

I'd kept my pee in for hours before coming to a final decision to buy the test. I danced with my thighs clenching as I removed and briefly read the instructions before realizing it was common sense. Piss on the stick, and wait.

So I did. And I waited.
The blue negative line highlighted by my pee chemicals pulled me from under the bus as I desposed of the evidence that defined my prolonged freedom.

I was not going to be a mother, and Devin was not going to be a father.

Also, shoppers..

When in an express lane, DO NOT put more than 10 items on the belt. No matter how small. Do NOT write a check. DO NOT use a million coupons. It's called "express" for a reason. DO NOT pay for dollor items with a hundred dollar bill. Do not use wic checks.

You people are going to make me fucking explode, and I hate all of you sloppy pieces of white trash!

8:07 p.m. - 2011-08-28


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