All of my ramblings on one site


My twelve year old brother

You steal from your sisters
You steal from your parents
You cuss your parents out
You steal from stores
Two different stores have restraining orders on you
You live to make everyone miserable
You've tried to attack your mother
You've tried to attack your sisters, one being two years younger than you
You're on the verge of failing the second time
You've already tried pot
You're getting into smoking
You cussed out your counselor
You've cussed out past teachers

No one is on my side
No one believes me when I say you have a problem
They tell me to give you a break
When are you going to give me a break?
Let alone your MOTHER
Who works two jobs to feed you
One which she's losing
Another which you nearly made her lose
Who does EVERYTHING for you
You never gave her a damn chance

You're going to end up in jail. You're a fucking nut.

I don't hate you, contrary to evertones belief
I don't want to see you end up in jail
or a loser
or a failure
even dead

You're too blind and immature to see what you're causing everyone.
This isn't even new
You've been like this since you were born
I blame it partially on your damn father
Who is also too blind and conceited to get it

Let it be said, if this continiues, I'm moving out of your fathers house.
Don't you dare think I'm kidding.

You're causing me to want to go back to counseling
You're causing me to want to relapse
Do you not see it?

And you know what?
Fuck you Robin, fuck you Kassie, fuck you Ashely, and fuck you dad.

6:35 p.m. - 2009-12-16


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