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Well thank goodness

I went to the walk in clinic today, and I only have acute bronchitis. It was a scary experience though. First they gave me a nebulizer (sp), and it kept fucking up. Then they said I could have actual pnuemonia, so they took an xray, which was ever scarier. First me and the xray technition walked down really dark scary hall ways, and I imagined two murdered twins would end up at the far end of the hall asking me to play with them forever. But it was only another doctor. Yikes. Then he asked if I was pregnant. Like what the hell. I said no, and he asked if I could be pregnant. That stopped me. I didn't know how to answer. I said probably not, and that puzzled him I could tell. I mean, I'm not sexually active, whatever that means, but I've had sex, protected and not. So I said most likely not. And I asked why, and he said the xray could make me have a spontanious abortion. So I kept thinking to myself that I was pregnant, because I guess I'm just pessemistic like that. Even though I'm really not. So when I stood infront of the xray machine, I was shaking and sweating, as if the xray would make me explode or blood would valcano out my vag. But I knew I didn't have anything to worry about. Then he took the first picture, and the whole room lit up and it made really scary evil scientist computer noises. I checked to make sure I was in one peice and that there was no fetus squirming on the floor. It was all good in the end. They just diagnosed me with Bronchitis and prescribed me an inhaler and two antibiotitcs. Three more meds. Now I have to take six meds a day. Woohoo. They should have sports for this kind of stuff. Like professional medicine takers. I'd be the bronze winner.

4:27 p.m. - 2009-03-01


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